One room church

God used a young slave named Archie Oldham to help give the genesis of what is now known as Arches Grove United Church of Christ. Archie's father, an ex-slave, was one of a hundred and twenty-five slaves shipped to the United States from England during the early 1800's. His father died within days after arriving to the United State; therefore, Archie, being the oldest of his family, assumed the responsibility of decision maker.

Arche moved his family from the Portsmouth, Virgina area to Caswell County where he lived for more than twelve years. He moved to Alamance County to an area then known as Big Falls and settled down near a cotton factory. (now known as the Hopedale Community.)

The move to Alamance County was somewhat peaceful, but all was not in place. Archie's mind often wandered back to the land of his birth, remembering his rich religious experiences. Although he was thousands of miles from his native land, the Holy Spirit brought to his remembrance the words: "But the hour is coming and now is when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for such the Father seeks to worship him. God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth." St. John 4:23-24

Archie was inspired like the earlier New Testament Christians who first started to meet in their homes. The community was ready and so followed in the same tradition of worshipping in their homes. On faith they later built a little log structure at Brush Arbor. The church was a one room building constructed of rough lumber and seats were rough slats. It was located down in the pines in the Hopedale community. The first service was held in November 1872, and the church was called Arches Grove Christian Church in honor of its oldest settler, Archie Oldham. A bell tower was mounted in a pine tree near the church and was rung for every service, church meeting, funeral, and Sunday School. The tone could be heard for miles. Arches Grove Christian Church was in the Lincoln Conference at that time.

Rev. S. W. Albright, the first pastor, served for 32 years. In 1904, Rev. J. H. McBroom became the second pastor and served for 15 years as God's faithful servant. In 1919, Rev. J. W. Albright became the third pastor and served for 61 years. As the church began to grow, the one room church in the pines was replaced by a new church near the main road. In 1963 a new building was constructed on its present site. The spiritual atmosphere of the church was one of the strongest in the community. In 1980, Rev. J. W. Albright retired.

After interviewing and listening to the sermons of many new ministers, Arches Grove selected Rev. David Williams of Fayetteville, NC, as an interim pastor in June, 1981. In December, 1981 Rev. Williams was voted in as the 4th pastor full-time pastor. During his administration an addition of the baptismal pool was completed. Rev. Williams pastored Arches Grove for 7 and half years.

Arches Grove's next pastor, Rev. Melvin Rankin served from October 1989 until his resignation August 1994. During his administration a new church steeple was added.

Upon his resignation there was a separation of the church body. Arches Grove had fewer members, but they were dedicated and loyal.

With God's blessings and divine intervention, He sent to us our 6th pastor, Rev. William H. Carr. Rev. Carr brought to our small congregation the wisdom, love, and spiritual guidance that was needed to heal our hearts, re-strengthen our faith, and rebuild our congregation.

In the time that Rev. Carr has been with us our membership has increased. Most of all, he has taught us to put the past behind us, overcome our obstacles, and look ahead to a brighter future. During Rev. Carr's time with Arches Grove, he trained, taught, and mentored Michael Thompson. In July of 2008, Rev. Michael Thompson became the Pastor-Elect of Arches Grove. In August of 2009, Rev. Thompson was officially installed as pastor and teacher. Rev. Thompson continues to lead the Arches Grove congregation through a vision given to him, "Rebuilding For God's Glory."

John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

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Pastorial Staff

A brief overview of what you can expect at our worship experiences.

Rev. Dr. Michael Thompson
Senior Pastor
Dr. Bishop Zella Case
Minister Jeff Cooke
Minister Walter Ratliff
Minister Shirley Seward
Minister James L. Turner